The Evidence

Ideas that inspire out research

Emotion and Cognition in the Age of AI - The Economist Intelligence Unit

Educators around the world see well-being as an engine of cognition and learning.

Schools have long recognized the importance of emotional well-being in their students, but primarily as a form of pastoral care, in reaction to trauma or distress. A growing network of teachers, pedagogy researchers, and psychologists now call for a more foundational integration of social and emotional learning that recognizes how mindsets and moods shape children’s ability to acquire knowledge and understand themselves and the fast-changing world around them. In the 21st century, with artificial intelligence (AI) and automation reshaping work and life, there is growing fear that process-driven jobs will be done by robots, with increasing unemployment affecting the humans that once carried them out. Skills centered in the interpersonal, empathic, and creative realms could become the key human differential in the labor market of tomorrow, and those with strengths in these domains—innate or acquired—will be best placed to prosper. How do educators view social and emotional learning? Are they putting in place policies and programs to support well-being and the development of psychosocial assets such as resilience, autonomy and self-regulation? And what forms do these policies and program stake? This report, informed by an expert advisory panel and a global survey, explores the integration of emotional well-being, social learning and cognition in education systems across the continents.


2018 Industry Survey Results - The Real State of XR/AR/VR

There’s a lot of talk around XR technologies and content struggling to live up to the hype, but what are those working at the forefront of the industry seeing? In the lead up to VRX 2018 on December 6-7 in San Francisco, we ran a survey with our community of content creators, tech juggernauts, enterprise companies and investors to get their insights on where companies are seeing the most uptake, which core challenges still remain and what the future holds.

  • See where the real gains are being made in consumer and enterprise XR
  • Learn how businesses are planning to spend over the next 12 months
  • Get insight on the major challenges companies are facing to push towards mass adoption
  • Find out which enterprise industries are using VR & AR – and what impacts they’re seeing

ICMM Leading Indcators

ICMM has released a report providing an overview on leading indicators and how they can be applied to occupational health and safety in the mining industry.

Lagging indicators, which include fatality rates, incident statistics, and health problems, have traditionally informed mining risk-management to measure its successes and failures. Leading indicators, however, can be created to produce forward-looking analysis in order to implement effective proactive control measures.

The report offers:

- a framework for developing leading indicators 

- common definition of leading indicators and their limitations

- guidance on how leading indicators can be used and implemented

- case studies on how companies have been using them



Global labour markets are undergoing massive change, driven in large part by advances in technology. Increasing automation and the rise of the so-called gig economy are displacing existing jobs while creating new jobs that demand different skills and changing the trajectory of our working lives. The scope and scale of these shifts are unprecedented and will deeply affect the lives of working Canadians. We estimate that by 2030, automation and changes in existing occupations could threaten the jobs of more than 10% of Canadian workers unless they acquire new skills. This document discusses the challenges and proposes a pathway to address this.


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